Harry Potter

Harry Potter



Thursday 6 October 2011

Severus Snape

 Severus Snape is the Slytherin house coordinator and the potions master.Severus Snape was born on the 9th January 1960.He died 2nd May 1998 in the Shrinking Shack because Lord Voldemort orded Nagini ( pet snake) to kill him. This is where you find out where his loyalties lies. He gives his memories by tears to Harry so Harry can look is the passive. In the memories you see that he had always loved Lilly Potter ( Harry's mum.) 

Wednesday 5 October 2011


Hermione Granger Wand- Vine Wood 3/4.

Harry Potter. Phoenix Feather Core 11.

Ronald Weasley - Willow Unicorn Hair 14 inches.

Neville Longbottom.- His father's wand. 

Draco Malfoy- 10 inches Hawthorn Unicorn hair.

 Fred and George- Unkown

Luna Lovegood- Unkown

Lord Voldemort- 13 1/2 phoenix feather core.

 Bellatrix Lestrange- 12 3/4 Walnut Dragon Heartstring. (First wand)

Albus Dumbledore- Elder Wand

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Peter Pettigrew

Peter Pettigrew (Wormtail) was killed by his own silver hand because he owed his life debt to Harry Potter in the Malfoy Manor

Deathly Hallows

The Deathly Hallows.
The Triangle is Invisibility Cloak
The Circle is the Resurrection Stone
The Line is the Elder Wand. ( Deathstick)

Harry Potter

Harry James Potter was born 31st of July 1980 in Godric's Hollow the only son of Lilly and James Potter. Lilly and James were killed by Lord Voldemort but young Harry defeated Lord Voldemort which made him very popular in the wizardry community. He is the only known person to survive the killing curse. Harry had to stay with his mum's sister, Aunt Petunia until he was 17 years old. Harry was treated very badly in Aunt Petunia's house. He also gets bullied by his cousin Dudley. 

Harry soon goes to Hogwarts and meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and becomes best friends with them. They always figure out what's bad is happening in the wizardry community for example , Voldemort Coming back to life, The Horcruxes and etc. Harry is the 7th Horcux that Voldemort never meant to be created. This happened whe Voldemort killed his mum and one piece of his soul went to a living thing which was Harry as he was the only living human.

Keep Calm!

Keep Calm and always think like Harry!

Keep calm and Use your wand!

Harry Potter

Welcome to this blog! this blog will be full of fun and joy of all about Harry Potter! The 7 books were created by J.K Rowling! 7 movies has now ended!